Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Android useful Libraries

i was just surfing on net around android libraries and find out few useful links and resources please have a look. i am sharing all information from

Android Libraries
ActionBarSherlock is an extension of the compatibility
 library designed to facilitate the use of the action bar design 
pattern across all versions of Android with a single API.
ActiveRecord for Android
ORM to simplify use of SQLite with Java Objects
AdWhirl is a free, open source tool that helps you make more
money from your iPhone or Android app. It enables you to serve
ads in your app from any number of ad networks as well as your
 own house ads. By using multiple networks, you can determine
 which perform best for you and optimize accordingly to
 maximize your revenue and fill all your inventory.
aiCharts (commercial)
Android Chart Engine, requires developer license.
Allyjoyn - P2P SDK
Qualcomm's solution for P2P communication across
platforms including Android:
Android Billing Helper Library
Robotmedia created a helper library to simplify the in-app billing process
Android Chart (commercial)
Library with Chart API, requires developer license.
Android Chart Library - kiChart
kiChart is a chart solutions on android platform, you can use it to
create your android chart applications. It’s easy to use, effectively
and powerfully. It will save your valuable time in developing.
Features: kiChart provides set of the basic used chart types, (1) Line
Chart (2) Bar Chart (3) Pie Chart
Other functions: (1) Support multiple series. (2) Export chart as image
 file. (3) Define the parameters: margin, size, font color, font size and etc.
(4) More controls on y-axis values, you can set float type of value,
 start-value and end-value.
Android Easy Library
Android is an amazing platform, with great SDK for the developers
to make rich application, though still for the absolute begineer the API
 are still hard to use, so I have made an extremely easy to use set of
API for the Android SDK, with this the one who are extremely new to
 the development environment can still develop great applicataions.
Note: The library is compatible with Android 2.3.3 only right now.
For the documentation and the library go to:
Android Form Edit Text
Android form edit text is an extension of EditText that brings data
validation facilities to the edittext.
Android Image Cache
Project page: Android Image Cache
An image download-and-cacher that also knows how to efficiently
generate and retrieve thumbnails of various sizes.
  • easily integrates into content-provider backed applications, 
  • providing an adapter that can read local and web URLs from a cursor
  • automatic generation and caching of multiple sizes of images
  •  based on one downloaded asset
  • provides a disk cache as well as a memory cache
  • designed to work with your existing setup: no extending a
  •  custom application or activity needed
  • cursor adapter supports multiple image fields for each Image
  • View; skips fields that are null or empty
  • cursor adapter has an automatic progress bar when loading the cursor
Android MapView Ballons
Allows to annotate map overlay items with a simple information balloon when using Google Maps
Android PDF Viewer library
This is a packaging of the project "Android PDF Viewer"
 ( into a reusable library to make
 PDF viewing easier from within your Android application.
To remain consistent with the licensing of the original project, it is
 licensed under the LGPL.
Android RSS Library
android-rss is a lightweight open-source (Apache 2.0) library to read
parts of RSS 2.0 feeds. The library uses (Level 1) APIs such as android
.net.Uri. The design features stream parsing with SAX. As a result, the
 memory footprint tends to be smaller compared to an equivalent DOM-based
This open source library aims to help the implementation of JSON-RPC
clients in android applications. The library provides a simple API to perform
JSON-RPC calls from an android device.
Project page on google code :
Android Picker widget like a wheel
Library to create and manage databases through xml resources.
Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous
tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android. Our goal is to make Android
coding simpler, easier, and more fun.
Features include: Less Code, AJAX Callback, Image Loading, List Item
Optimization, XML Parsing, Chaining, Non-intrusive, and more...
AndroidSideMenu lets you create side (slide\drawer, whatever you call it)
menu without special effort.
Why this one is better than others? Because it works much faster (thanks to
caching), so it's doesn't matter how complex your layouts are.
Note that this library doesn't provide tools for creating menu itself, you are free
 to put inside menu whatever you want (ListView? LinearLayout?
 RelativeLayout? ImageView? ...)
Angle is aimed to be a way to develop 2D games using OpenGL ES on
Android providing as much speed as possible. The engine is entirely coded in
 java so you can overload every object for your convenience.
aSmack (XMMP)
Smack library (XMPP) with heavy patches for Android.
Barcode scanner SDK by Biggu (adware)
Barcode scanner SDK made for fixed focus cameras as well as autofocus.
Made by Big in Japan (ShopSavvy)
Bluetooth (<2.0)
Bluetooth library for devices with Android < 2.0
Calculon is a testing DSL for Google Android. It allows you to write
functional story based tests.
Circular layout for android. Also lets you arrange your view in a nice looking pie.
Open source 2D game framework for Android
2D game engine base on cocos2d-iphone.
Commonsware Library
Great collection of reusable code for various objectives.
A library for developers, wishing to work easily with Contacts,without
knowing how a Content Provider operates.
Deacon - A Push Notifications / C2DM library for Android and Java applications
Deacon is a free and open-source Java push notifications library for
 Android and Java applications. It acts as a client to the Meteor COMET
web server. Deacon was created with the goal to bring a solid push notification
platform to Android, and to enable developers to push-enable their apps without
 being dependent on anyone else's servers.
DeeLang is a lightweight, embeddable, dynamically-typed scripting language
 for Java that is intended for use in user-scriptable applications in limited resource
 environments, and especially for Android devices.
Currently DeeLang provides an ANTLR 3 based parser and two compiler
 back-ends: a DEX compiler that compiles to Dalvik bytecode for use in
Android environments, and a custom-bytecode compiler (compiling to a
 format that is not dissimilar to, although far simpler than, that used by the
Java(tm) Virtual Machine).
The DEX bytecode runs on any Android device against a very small runtime
 library, while the custom bytecode option is used with the (provided)
stack-based virtual machine and runtime to execute compiled scripts on
any Java-compatible device.
The current total deployment size of DeeLang is under 1MB (including ANTLR
runtime). When used on Android, it adds ~300k to your APK size.
As well as being lightweight, DeeLang is designed for use in user-scripted
applications by those with little programming experience, and as such has a
natural syntax and aims to be as easy to use as possible.
Droid-Fu is an open-source effort aiming to collect and bundle solutions to
common concerns in the development of applications.
Droid-Fu offers both support classes meant to be used alongside existing
Android code, as well as self-contained, ready-to-be-used components
 like new adapters and widgets.
Droid-Fu offers both support classes meant to be used alongside existing
Android code, as well as self-contained, ready-to-be-used components like
 new adapters and widgets.
The areas tackled by Droid-Fu include:
- application life-cycle helpers
- support classes for handling Intents and diagnostics
- better support for background tasks
- super-easy and robust HTTP messaging
- (remote) image handling and caching
- custom adapters and views
Library to access a CouchDB server
Library to communicate with Drupal services.
Exit Games SDK
Client SDK for real-time games framework by Exit Games
The TTS library for Android (Text-To-Speach)
Facebook SDK for Android
Library with activities to connect with Facebook
Flurry is a leading smartphone application analytics and monetization platform
used by more than 30,000 applications across iOS, Android, Blackberry and
 J2ME. Each month, Flurry tracks over three billion end user application sessions
 per month.
Flurry Analytics helps developers make better applications, increase retention
and grow revenue. Flurry AppCircle is an intelligent, analytics-powered
cross-selling network that accelerates user acquisition for promoters and
meaningfully monetizes applications for publishers.
GraphWidget (commercial)
Android library for visualizing real-time input data with horizontal scroll
greenDAO - Android ORM for SQLite
ORM that generates boiler plate code for persisting Java objects efficiently.
GreenDroid Library
This library is just here to help the Android application development.
 It have those objectives :
- Prevent loosing time at copying the same snippets of code over and
over again.
- Try to make Android applications alike.
- Help developers to code highly functional applications.
- Leverage the power of the Android framework.
- Use as much XML as possible.
Framework hiding lots of boilerplate code
Infinitum Framework
Infinitum is an extensible, modular framework enabling Android developers to
 quickly and efficiently create rich, domain-driven applications while facilitating
 the convention-over-configuration paradigm. Infinitum's core components
 include an ORM, DI, AOP and RESTful web service module.
iPrint (commercial)
Library to add printing functionality to apps. Network printer, Wifi printer,
Bluetooth printer.
JSON marshaller/unmarshaller for Java that runs on Android
Jason Fry Android Tools
Library with SwipeView, PageControl and OverScrollDisabler
jMonkey Engine (JME3D, JME2D)
Leading java based 3D game engine that also supports Android.
A video game framework for rapid game prototyping, partly modeled after
 Britt Hannah's article Object-Oriented Game Design.
GDX is a simple Android game development framework that allows rapid
prototyping on your desktop PC/Mac guaranteeing the same behaviour on your
 Android devices.
mAppWidget (commercial)
Add fully functional custom offline maps to your Android apps in minutes
metagloss is an annotation-centric Android library for reducing boilerplate code.
 Relying on run-time parsing and compile-time code generation, metagloss
 provides facilities for mapping XML and databases to data objects, dealing
with preference screens and working with DB queries.
Mobile Maps
Mobile Maps provides developers with a simple way of adding map functionality
 to your mobile phone applications. It also includes access to the map data itself,
from either TeleAtlas or OpenStreetMap depending on which data suits your
 application needs.
Mobile Push (droidpush)
The Mobile Push API enables you to push content directly to one or more
phones. SMS and HTTP technology are used for delivery, making it suitable
for applications where it is important to ensure that the latest information always
is available at the receiving end, without the need to frequently poll for updates.
MoVend is an in-app commerce platform which allows users to make payment
 within an application. Developers can integrate MoVend into their applications
and start monetizing. This solution is provided for developers, publishers and
operators who want to have a payment system inside their application, without
 the hassle of creating one. MoVend works as a payment aggregator, connecting
 the developers and their users. SDK is free for download once you signed up for a developer account at
Notification Compatibility 2 (Jelly Bean)
Compatibility library for the notification API added in Jelly Bean
OAK Android Kit
Pinned Header ListView
A one-liner to spin up a new Android app with placeholder tabs inside of
 ActionBar Sherlock
Encrypted SharedPreferences
And more...
Check out the demos in the play store:
An OAuth Library/application for Android which uses Content Providers in
 order to store OAuth data
Note, that you can also use SignPost for Android when just making
 OAuth calls (see
Create Android GUI in more efficient way.
ObjectForms leverage Java class introspection to build user interface for your
 live objects, eliminating the need to write glue code. Relying on Java and Object
Oriented principles means UI code can be reused and extended even if it
grows complex, which is difficult if you do your layouts in XML.
Open NFC is an open source stack implementing the NFC functionnalities,
 it consists of documentation and SDK add-on to enable RFID communication on Android.
The OpenSocial Java Client Library enables you to work with OpenSocial
data on your server, in the language of your choice. Includes description for
PV provides software to deliver media services people will love. PV's software
gives users greater access and control over their media experience, increasing
the value of your services and helping you differentiate your brand.
A rich application framework for networked media applications and helps
Accelerate time to market
Reduce operational costs and resources
Improve the user experience
Brand your applications with a consistent look and feel
Android version of the computer vision library OpenCV.
ORMDroid is a simple ORM persistence framework for your Android applications, providing an easy to use, almost-zero-config way to handle model persistence without ever having to deal with Android's built-in database interfaces.
ORMDroid is:
  • Small - ~20k, target of no more than 30k.
  • Simple - No excessive features or support for platforms other than 
  • Android.
  • Flexible - Allowing you to configure what you need to, but at the same
  •  time...
  • Automatic - ... sensible defaults for everything.
  • ORMDroid works with Android API 8 and up.
OrmLite (Android support)
Lightweight Java ORM library that supports Android and SQLite
PeerDeviceNet is both app and middleware to connect android phones
 and tablets securely thru Wi-Fi network. As an app, it allows a group of
devices share web pages, contact information, pictures, videos and other
 documentations. As middleware, it helps developing connected mobile apps.
 You can reuse PeerDeviceNet connection manager to connect mobile devices
 for connected mobile apps or multi-player games. Via PeerDeviceNet apps
 can send messages to peer devices using intents, messenger or idl interfaces.
Support Android version 2.2 and up.
Print Image
Action: org.androidprinting.intent.action.PRINT
URI of the image to be printed, mime type of the image (must be of type
Any application can use HP iPrint Photo for Android for printing images
on nearby printers from Android phones.
HP iPrint Photo for Android phones:
Wireless photo printing from your mobile device
Qualcomm Tools
Qualcomm has published some librairies that could be really interesting :
Looking to optimize your app’s performance? Want to expand your
 development capabilities? We’ve built these tools for developers who
 want more out of our chips, so use them to take your app to the next level.
And we have more on the way, so watch this space.
AllJoyn SDK
AllJoyn technology allows developers to create viral and social apps with connectivity across devices via ad hoc, peer networks.
Ikivo IDE & Animator
The IKIVO IDE provides a complete tooling solution for developing,
 debugging and testing mobile applications based on the open standard
 Mobile SVG and JavaScript. Use the IKIVO Animator create animations,
user interfaces, multimedia messages, and much more.
Adreno™ SDK
Download this first! The Adreno SDK is the first thing you’ll need when
working with OpenGL ES. OpenGL ES desktop emulation libraries, sample
code, tutorials, demos, documentation, and miscellaneous tools.
Adreno™ Profiler
Provides optimization, per-frame analysis and real-time performance counter
The Qualcomm Augmented Reality Platform provides developers the ability
 to create high-performance Android applications with C++ APIs.
You can find all those librairies here :
Resting Library
Resting, a lightweight REST framework in Java, can be used to invoke a
 RESTful web service and convert the response into custom Java objects
 from the client application. Because of it's simplicity, resting is suitable for
 Android and other handheld devices.
Goals of resting
Expose simple get(), post(), put() and delete() methods to consume REST
Support for all the commonly used MIME types like JSON, XML and YAML
Enable both HTTP and HTTPS (SSL) invocation of RESTful web services
Provide request signing
Support for arbitrarily complex marshalling and unmarshalling of data during
Support for custom representation of collections in REST request
Lightweight, simple and fast. Ideal for Android.
RESTProvider handles all the HTTP querying and caching. Users can
seamlessly interface with any Web Service API which provides JSON
or XML as a response. To query a RESTProvider in an activity a user need
only specify an endpoint and then query an APIs RESTful functions.
Android client library for RESTful services
RoboDemo is a ShowCase library for Android to demonstrate to users how a
 given Activity works.
A sample is available in the download area of the repository :
RoboSpice is a modular android library that makes writing asynchronous
network requests easy.
It supports REST requests out of the box using Spring Android (
other implementations are possible as well).
Sample demo app available on the market :
RoboSpice uses a new approach : it executes network requests inside an
Android Service.
To learn more about RoboSpice in 30 seconds, have a look at this infographics
Activities (or other contexts) can bind very easily to the RoboSpice Service to
 add new requests, cancel requests, etc.
RoboSpice provides automatic caching of requests' results, various formats are
Main features of RoboSpice:
  • executes asynchronously (in a background AndroidService) network 
  • requests (ex: REST requests using Spring Android)
  • is strongly typed ! You make your requests using POJOs and you get 
  • POJOs as request results.
  • enforce no constraints neither on POJOs used for requests nor on Activity 
  • classes you use in your projects
  • caches results (in Json with both Jackson and Gson, or Xml, or flat text 
  • files, or binary files, even using ORM Lite)
  • notifies your activities (or any other context) of the result of the network
  •  request if and only if they are still alive
  • no memory leak at all, like Android Loaders, unlike Android AsyncTasks
  • notifies your activities on their UI Thread
  • uses a simple but robust exception handling model
  • is open source ;)
  • and tested
RoboSpice's GitHub repo contains sources, javadoc, sample app,
presentation slides, infographics, even a DIY T-shirt !
Rokon is an open source OpenGL 2D game engine for Android mobile devices.
Satellite Menu
The android app 'Path' has a very attractive action menu sitting on the
 left bottom corner of the screen. Satellite Menu is the open version of this menu.
For the ones who didn't see path, the menu consists of a main button on the left
bottom of the screen. When the user clicks on this button, a number of buttons
are popped out of this button.
Simple, unobstrusive, modular library to sign http requests with OAuth tokens.
Project Page: SimpleContentProvider
This library aims to make creation of private and public ContentProviders trivial.
If your app is backed by a database, chances are you took one look at the
Content Provider API and decided that it wasn't worth the effort to use.
This library aims to help that by removing the need to do all the legwork of
writing all the basic CRUD operations that you'll encounter writing a basic
content provider.
By using this library, you shouldn't need to write any SQL for most applications — table creation, query generation, etc. are all handled for you.
This library is loosely inspired by Django and follows some of its design
principles. It also follows the RESTful design principles that underly Android's
 data-driven activity flow and encourages the use of URIs to represent all data
One can think of this library a bit like a super stripped down ORM —
similar to Hibernate or ORMlite.
Unlike ORMs, this library aims to have very little object creation in order to
 minimize garbage collection churn. This follows Android's existing Content
Provider APIs closely, making it so that there should be very little difference
between the use of the content providers created by this library and any other
 Content Provider Android already exposes (contacts, media, calendars, etc.).
SocialAuth Android
SocialAuth Android is an Android version of popular SocialAuth Java library.
The API enables user authentication and sharing updates through different
various social networks and hides all the intricacies of generating signatures
& token, doing security handshakes and provide an easy mechanism to build
cool social apps with minimal coding.
With this library, you can:
Quickly build share functionality for posting updates on facebook, twitter,
 linkedin and more
Easily create a Share button or a social bar containing various social networks
Access profile of logged in user for easy user registration
Import friend contacts of logged in user (Email, Profile URL and Name)
Do much more using our flexible API like extend it for more network
SocialLib aims to make the development of Social apps much more easier.
Currently, Social Lib provides access to the following social networks :
Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, LinkedIn.
Library to include advertisement delivered by Smaato.
Spring Android
Spring Android is an extension of the Spring Framework that aims to simplify
the development of native Android applications.
Contains a Rest Client, a Commons Logging adapter
Swipe ListView
An Android List View implementation with support for drawable cells and
many other swipe related features.
Sybase Bluetooth SDK (commercial)
Bluetooth SDK by Sybase for proven Bluetooth connection and quality
TeeChart Charting
Charting library for Android, provides a CHART Intent to return a picture of
your custom data.
final Intent intent = new Intent("");
intent.putExtra("Header", "Hello World !");
intent.putExtra("Style", "Bar");
intent.putExtra("Text", new String[] { "Apples", "Bananas", "Kiwis" });
intent.putExtra("Values", new double[] { 45, 23, 12 });
public void onActivityResult(int requestcode, int resultcode, Intent intent) {
if (resultcode == RESULT_OK)
final Bitmap bitmap = ChartIntent.getChart(requestcode, intent);
TeeChart provides complete, quick and easy to use charting .NET, Java,
ActiveX / COM, PHP and Delphi VCL controls for business, Real-time,
Financial and Scientific applications.
Full source code available, visit us at
TeeChart for Java v.2 Charting component Library ships with 100%
sourcecode in Android, AWT/Swing and SWT formats. It supports major
Java programming environments including IBM Eclipse, Sun NetBeans, IntelliJ
IDEA and Oracle JDeveloper.
The charting library offers 50 Java Chart styles (in 2D and 3D plus multiple
 combinations), 38 mathematical functions and 20 Chart tools components
 for additional functionality including dragging of series marks, annotation
objects, cursors and manual trend lines, coloring bands, etc.
Charting styles:
Line (Tape), Points (Scatter XY and XYZ 3D Scatter), Area (Stacked
 and negative), FastLine (real-time speed), Horizontal Line, Bar and Horizontal
Bar (Stacked and negative), Pie (Exploded, partial angle), Shape (Cube,
Pyramid, Cylinder, etc), Arrow (Callout), Bubble, Gantt, Candle (Finantial
OHLC High-Low), Donut (Exploded Doughnut), Volume (Stock), Bar 3D,
Points 3D, Polar, Radar, Clock, WindRose, Pyramid, Surface
 (XYZ Grid Mesh), LinePoint, BarJoin.class, ColorGrid,
Waterfall, Histogram, Error, ErrorBar, Contour (Contouring Levels),
Smith, Calendar,
HighLow, TriSurface (Voronoi triangulation of arbitrary XYZ points),
Funnel, Box (Box Whisker), Horizontal Box, Horizontal Area,
Tower, Point and Figure, Gauges, Vector 3D, Map (Mapping GIS), Bezier,
Bar with Image, IsoSurface (Auto Leveled XYZ Mesh), Circular Gauge, Linear Gauge,
Vertical Linear Gauge, Horizontal Histogram.
Feature Summary:
50 Chart styles (in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations) including Gauges
38 mathematical functions
100% sourcecode for Android, AWT/Swing and SWT
Run-time Editor, Gallery dialogs
20 Chart Tool components for additional functionality, like
dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual
 trend lines, coloring bands, etc
Chart Grid component to manage data
Multiple-axis support both horizontal and vertical
Customisation of axis labels and legend items
Great cosmetic properties for all texts and drawings
Complete set of chart styles, both in 2D and 3D
Live and animated zoom and scroll. Multi-touch and mouse
wheel supported
2D and 3D
Custom drawing canvas
Extensive demos
Design and runtime integrated Chart and Series editor
New improved Javadoc format help plus Tutorials
Many new visual features, transparency, colour gradients, gray-scale.
Mathematical and statistical functions:
Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, High, Low, Average, Count,
Momentum, Momentum Division, Cumulative, Exponential
Average, Smoothing, Custom User Defined, Root Mean Square,
Standard Deviation (StdDeviation), Stochastic, Exponential
Moving Average, Performance, CrossPoints, Compress OHLC,
CLV, OBV, CCI, Moving Average, PVO, DownSampling,
Trend, Correlation, Variance, Perimeter, CurveFitting,
ADX, Bollinger, MACD, SAR, RSI, Histogram Function.
Tips Library
Small library to quickly add tips and tricks to your app
Library with activities to connect with Twitter and Demo
Twitter Project
ViewFlow is an Android UI widget providing a horizontally
scrollable ViewGroup with items populated from an Adapter.
A very thin yet complete xmlrpc client side library for Android
Xtify (commercial) - Push notification service
Allows to include location based push notification into applications. Notificatzions are managed through the backend at
ZXing is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image
processing library implemented in Java. Our focus is on using the
 built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode
 barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server.

If your favourite library is not listed please add it here.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such a great information..Its really nice and informative.

    Google App Integration Madurai
